The British Comedy

Day 657, 17:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

Hello, I would like to introduce you to a little writing competition - Entry is but 5 pounds, and the winner gets 80% of the profits (the other 20% shall go to groups that help the low-levels.

What to do: Simply create a short story (5 paragraphs ideally) and send it to me in a PM. It has to be funny though. (I won't be the judge of that however, the people reading the newspaper are 😃 )

So, once you've sent in your story, jsut wait until the 15nth, and I will publish all the stories in my newspaper on that day.

Anyone can vote, just simply pick the title of the article you like and make it clear that's the one you liked.

The prize will be given to the winner on the 16nth.

I hope to see a good many intelligent people participate!


(oh, negative comments on the 15 will distract the voting process, so please refrain from posting the like)