The beating heart of eCanada

Day 1,000, 09:00 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

In the entirety of the history of eCanada, it has been rare to find a citizen willing not only to stand up to the system and say "no", but to successfully change it. In recent memory, Tyler Durden has been one such person. Let it be remembered, that on Day 1000, the CPF was born anew, rising from the ashes of its troubles, to be once again led by Addy Lawrence. The reign of PimpDollaz is no more. Let it be remembered, that on Day 1000, the movement to revolutionize eCanada for eCanada's sake began, and it began right here.

I dedicate this day to Tyler F Durden.

In Tyler I Trust

My fellow citizens,

Last night's elections showed the awe-inspiring power that can arise from an idea, well planned, well organized, and properly supported. We witnessed first hand that the impossible is nothing but a limit placed on us by the social norm. We have been shown that the power to change this community is in our hands.

Let us not, however, be consumed by hubris. We must put a check on our pride and use such power for good. Just as we have been successful in demonstrating that complacency can be conquered by will, if we are not careful, we shall meet the same fate, without accomplishing that which we seek to achieve.

As Party President of the DAL, my first act is to make this announcement. I am building a team. This team will be responsible for all official actions of the DAL, specifically, organizing events and activities to accomplish the party goals.

In order to be a part of this team, you need not be a member of the DAL. The eCanadian community is the only team that matters, and as such, all eCanadians who wish to support the goals that I will outline, are encouraged to join. In fact, if you believe in these goals, you already are a part of the team.

The goals

1) Dramatically improve the way new players are treated upon joining eCanada.
2) Support all groups who fight on behalf of eCanada.
3) Support our Bro's.

In order to be on this team, all you need to do is send me a pm, including a short message detailing what exactly you hope to be able to bring to the team. You will not be judged, you will be welcomed as an equal member, your message being used to help assign you specific tasks. Please note, that the DAL executive from last month do not get a free ticket on this. I must be sent a pm by all those who wish to represent the DAL or who wish to support the goals of the DAL. Being a part of this team does not mean that you shall become a mindless puppet. This will be a team of equals, dedicated to the eCanadian community, not a specific faction of it.

The DAL shall become a beacon of hope in these troubled times, a pillar of strength to rely on for support, it will be the beating heart of the eCanadian community.

Thank you,

"there is only one jb, and its divinus" - Addy Lawrence