The Basics of Moving (Brazil)

Day 557, 13:15 Published in Brazil South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This article will be published in America, Indonesia, and Brazil.

With The Resistance mobilizing and the call going out to all loyal South Africans, moving tickets and destinations seem to be the order of the day. I will include in this article some information about them in order to assist those who are preparing to leave The Occupied Territories.

Moving Tickets

Moving tickets come in five qualities, like all other finished goods. Qualities one, two, three, four, and five. While there are some Q2 companies, the majority of the Moving Ticket industry is Q1. It works out this way because Q1 tickets will cause a Wellness of loss of 2, while Q2 tickets will cost you 1 wellness. Usually, Q2 tickets cost around 25 USD, where Q1 range near 11 USD.

As you can see, it's cheaper to get a Q1 ticket, and than use the other fourteen dollars to buy yourself gifts to recoup the wellness loss than it is to purchase a Q2 ticket. The reason you almost never see a Q3 (or higher) Moving Ticket Company is because the cost of such products would be even greater than the difference of a Q1 ticket plus gifts compared to a Q2 ticket.

The State of Conflict

When two nations are at war, you cannot move directly from one country to the other. You must first move from the country you are in, to a country that is at peace with both nations, than to the nation you intended to move to all along. This trip will cost you two moving tickets, and a total of four wellness (if you used Q1 tickets).

So, for instance, to get from Brazil to America, you'd need to first move to a neutral country (like Australia for an example), then on to America.

Final Destinations

The Resistance is currently centered in Florida, USA, but there are also enclaves in both New Jersey, USA, and in Spain as well. Where ever you ultimately decide to go, there are a few issues you'll want to research before your plane takes off.

Hospitals; One major factor in your decision should be the quality of the hospital in the region you plan to call home. Most countries put Q5 hospitals in regions they wish to draw population to, most usually for defense purposes. The higher quality of the hospital, the better off you'll be.

Job Market; Take a look at the job market for the country you wish to move to. Doing some research will never hurt. For instance, Spain tends to have high wages, and low taxes. So if lining your pockets with gold is important to you, you might want to take a closer look there.

Conflicts; War is the way of the world, and especially the new world. War is an easy way to gain experience and wellness (through the use of hospitals), and the only way to gain rank. America's current administration is heavily invested in war games, and if you want to level and rank up smoothly, I'd suggest looking there.

Of course, there are a multitude of other factors to look at when you decide you wish to move. Research never hurt anyone. Ask questions, see what other people think. Learn about what's going on, and put what you found out into opinions of your own.

In Closing

I have all the respect in the world for those South Africans who remain in The Occupied Territories. You are the sort of people who's bravery and courage knows no bounds. But for those of you who wish to escape Brazilian/Indonesian oppression, The Resistance is ready to help you.

The time when we can return home will come, my friends. But, these days, these cautious beginnings of ours, can be better served outside the yokes of those who have no hearts and no souls.

Remember, you are The Resistance.

Epic Thoughts