The Aurora President Candidate Is...

Day 1,345, 10:54 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick
Hi everyone,

Aurora has today decided that we will run our own candidate in the upcoming Presidential election.
21 days ago, our current President was elected. Shortly after the victory President W3st3rb3rg announced in an article, that he was very happy with being elected and that it was now time to get to work.
W3st3rb3rg has not been seen in the public since. Not as a President anyway.
Aurora cannot accept having a Government and President that is virtually invisible. It is true, that most Government work goes on in the closed offices, but why should that mean, that we will not hear or see anything from what is going on after that? It is not fair. It is time to change this and get a President and a Government, that is not only very active, but also shows the results to the public.

Aurora has therefore today decided to run me, Flitwick, as a candidate for the next President of eSweden.

I am honored to have been chosen, but I will not lie to you, I do think, that it was a wise choice. I am a hardworking man, that sets up goals and does what it takes to reach those goals.

Who is Flitwick?
I am 30 years of age. I have been working for the past 5 years in the hotel business, until I quit my job in February to make a fresh start. What does that mean? It means, that from September I will be a student again.
I am from Denmark, I understand Danish (that is a given), Swedish, Norwegian, German and English.
I do not know how to properly write in Swedish, which means I will hire someone to translate my articles into Swedish, when needed.

In my online gaming life, I come from Travian, a game which I have spent many years in, always in leadership positions, when it comes to alliances. I am a very strict leader. I demand the best from my staff. I demand activity, results and that orders are followed.

In my many years in Travian I have learned all parts of online strategy gaming. I know when to be tough and when to be endearing, when it comes to talking with other leaders. I know how to organize an attack to perfection and I know when it is time to stand down. I know how to lead.

So, what will I be using my skills for?
I will put together a team that will be hard working, getting results and showing the results.
Communication is a vital part of a Government. Communication from the Government is vital for the congress. How is the congress ever going to get anything done, if they have no idea what is going on?
Today no information is released. That has to change.

Everyone has the rights to know how much money eSweden earns a day and everyone has the rights to know how that money is spent.

What does this mean, really?
That basically means, that all departments will be active. Any minister will be required to make reports on what he/she has been doing. If it is a ministry that handles money, then the ministry will make sure to keep track on all income and expenses. Once a week, the Minister of Finance will have to release a fiscal report. This report will show how much the income has been and how much the expenses are.

The Minister of Defense will each week release a battle statistics report. How much influence have our army done and how much have we paid our soldiers.

The Minister of Education will once a week release a report telling about what is going on in that department.

And the President will at least once a week give a full report about the state of the union.

But someone is missing in all this. What about the Minister of Foreign Affairs?
The MoFA will be on a tough job. He will not only have to be up to speed on every country in the world we interact with, he will also be given a key job for my first term.
Conquering Norway.

For far too long, Norway has been under a PTO-like administration. Players from different parts of the world have seen Norway as an easy target and have taken over. At the moment ABC countries are controlling Norway, but I will work on changing this.
It is time for Norway to be united with Denmark and Sweden. Therefore my MoFA will be given the key objective to negotiate with the ABC countries, the release of Norwegian soil. And when this happens, Norway will be conquered by force, by us.

Renaming the Union
I have never been a fan of the name Homonavia and I know that a lot of players feel the same. It is time to change the name. But into what? That is up to the public.

A Union Treaty
It is time to set up up some ground rules. Pho3nix suggested some time ago, that a committee should be established. A committee with the purpose of forming a union treaty. This idea I will follow up on.
I will therefore not go into what I think should be in a treaty, as I do not wish to interfere with the committee's work.

Fair TSM Salary
Today the formula for payment to soldiers is based on influence and influence only. This means, that the old player will at any time be paid more than a younger player, only because he/she is older. That is not fair.
At least four months ago the former President Valnad admitted, that the current formula was not the best and still nothing has changed since. It is time to reward activity and dedication. Which means, if I am to be elected, the TSM payment system will be changed to something a lot more fair to everyone.

Who will be ministers?
That is yet to be decided.
I will have talks with the people I would like to see as ministers and in Government in general.
One thing is certain though. Being a part of my Government Team means activity, dedication and a will to do changes.
A lot of changes will be done. The whole way of thinking is being changed. Transparency is the key word in all departments. And transparency is a lot of work. But it is work that has to be done.

Whether we will see a Government of old well-known people, totally fresh people or something in-between is yet to be known. It simply depends on what the ones have to offer.
In the past it has very much been a tradition, that a party is to get a minister for giving support to the candidate. I am not into blackmail. I would love any party's support for me as President, but if the party does not have an active and good candidate for a minister post, then that party will not get a minister. The past where it is, what can the President Candidate offer the party is over. Now it is, what can the party offer the President candidate. And that is how it should be like. We all want the best for our union. And none of us wants to see ministers and other Government workers that do absolutely nothing, but is just in it for the title. We all want an active Government that is dedicated to make this a better eSweden and a better union.

I will during the time up to the election release more articles. In one of these articles I will release my proposed Government.

Thank you for reading and I hope to gain your support as the coming President.
It is time for changes.
Vote Flitwick.

Best Regards,
President Candidate for Aurora