The APP - Traitor Party

Day 1,165, 06:08 Published in Canada Iran by helia 14
Hello readers,

As you may know, the Bremen Clubhouse has started winding down operations in Ireland, due to huge successes there recently (although we have left a few things to remember us by, which will reveal themselves over the coming days, weeks and months).

So is this the end for the BCH? Of course not. The Irish operation was an operation. It was a main aim for us, but it did not define us. We have achieved success there, and will move on.

Now, in a side-operation, we decided to troll a random top 5 political party in the UK by infiltrating and exposing a few of their secrets - CP candidates, manifestos and the like. Nothing major. You may remember us leaking Jhorlins manifesto a few weeks ago.

We settled on The APP. A new political party, coming into existence since we left for darker places (Ireland). We decided to give ourselves a proper introduction, and expose everything they were doing, building up secrets and unleashing them upon the world in one swoop.

However, we found something worse. Much worse.

Before I show you, I must reiterate. The BCH is not a British organisation. We have British, American, Irish (the good part), German and Macedonian members. We assert our independence and right to fuck with the UK as much as we do with the next country. That being said, we do have a lot of love for the UK in return for its efforts in destroying our mortal enemy, the Irish.

It is for this reason that the Bremen Clubhouse today exposes this. Not in patriotism, not in loyalty (the BCH is aligned to no country), but in respect and thankfulness.

It seems The APP has a plan. It is not concrete. It is not certain. But should the opportunity arise, they will hurt the UK dearly. The name of our leak has been edited to 'INFORMANT' to ensure we can carry on leaking things.

Here's the logs:

INFORMANT hey boss
INFORMANT what's the plan they were talking about?
Connor_West oh right lol
Connor_West we have decided to take advantage of this croatian "PTO" threat
Connor_West we will send voters to help them xD
INFORMANT why are we doing that? couldn't they take over the UK?
Connor_West nah they won't as they won't win a CP election and we can keep them out of congress, but it would mean The APP could increase in power 🙂

Yes, that's right. In a petty attempt to climb the party rankings, The APP have secret plans to help the Croatian PTO destroy a political party, in order to secure their place in the top 5.

Personally I couldn't care less if the UK was PTO'd by Serbians or Macedonians. But Croatians help and love the Irish, and that - well, that just can't be tolerated.


The Bremen Clubhouse.
(Published by Helia 14 on behalf of the whole house).