The African Dignity Front Party

Day 747, 07:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by African Dignity Front

No, we are not just another one of those new parties. We are special.

Headed by Oceanus, Ryan Dagari, Ali Mentary, affluent former leaders of eSA Jizzie, Rico, Kiwifire, and others, The African Dignity Front is here on a peacekeeping mission.

Party :
Forum :

In our opinion, the politics of eSA has become very hectic and diverse, to the point there are so many ideas being thrown around from flimsy sources that it gets confusing. We decided to create our own source of information, our own political entity. A political entity filled with experience and knowledge. This party is the African Dignity Front.

We're led by those who have been around for a very long time. As such, Ryan Dagari, Party President, is one of the oldest citizens in eSouth Africa. He was born here in August of 2008 and has put his work into reviving our country after the first republic and second republic of south africa fell. It pains him to see how quickly people descend into party politics and greed in the face of danger.

"I have been apart of political movements before and I am threw with them. This party is not designed to push an agenda other than the agenda of keeping this nation secure. This country has been through a lot and some of us have seen what it has been through and we would sooner die than see the new generations make the mistakes its fathers already have.

I could care little whether a new tax gets pushed or not. I care whether we are here tomorrow, next month, or next year. We have been destroyed twice now, and I have seen it happen. Oceanus has seen it happen. Jizzie has seen it happen. We will be damned if we see it happen again." - Ryan Dagari

We're here for honesty because we are incorruptible. That is the truth, we are former presidents and former leaders of this country, we are not here to get achievements, we are here for the continuity of our people. We are transparent. We are here not to push a leftist ideology or a rightist one; we are here to push a pragmatic one.

We just want to make sure the country doesn't descend into chaos, and we can best do that by forming a party based upon truth, honesty, integrity, and understanding, rather than strict political beliefs.

Education & Immigration

The education area of our government has always been vastly under-attention. Whenever we appoint someone in the position it seems as though it is started on but little ever occurs. It is a very important part of our nation to remember our past, not to live in it, but to know it, so as we do not repeat mistakes formerly made. That is the whole point about remembering history, living and learning. We are distraught to see a vast amount of our population ignorant about our past, their entire lives revolving around the two months they have lived here. There has been a very rich, detailed, and at some points, bland history that follows us. It needs to be embraced so that the future leaders of our country can see where we need to go.

We need to have public erepublik articles regularly released; we would suggest every week or two, detailing the entire history of eSA in an easy to consume form. Putting emphasis on our past invasions, key moments in our history both the high points and the low ones, and details displaying the evolving nation that is eSA. Just copying the eSA wiki is not really that good, we need to write up a history that can be read, understood, enjoyed, and digested.

People need to want to know our history. Ignorance can easily lead to another disaster yet it is one of the easiest problems to fix.

Immigration is both a gift and a curse. It brings in a higher workforce, presents us as a melting pot of the world, and allows our civil militia to become more powerful. It also brings politicians who know little to nothing of our history and our way of life. This is one reason why education is a very important area to finance with our time, because with it we can make sure that new potential prospects know just what we have gone through, and understand why certain things are the way they are.

We see the kind of outrage that occurs with immigrants over the “golden 10”… they know nothing of our past so they seek to change something that should not be touched. People must know why certain things are done, and the best way to do that is to make sure people have a constant update on what has happened to our country over the past, almost two years now. Immigration should not be looked down on or limited, but rather, we should make sure there is open education available to them at all times.


"Foreign powers have pledged that we will never regain Western Cape. In fact, we have not been united for my whole year and 1/3 in South Africa.

Liberation is not our primary goal as a people. We are to be thought of as a beacon for understanding and light in this world. I will be damned if we are considered some kind of military outpost trying to gain its regions by signing its future away to foreign nations.

Our primary concern should be the progression of our society... not to gain some sentimental regions not one of us here has ever seen apart of this nation." -Ryan Dagari

Liberation is hardly a goal we should be concerned with. We have the resources we need right now, and the other regions have been out of our grasp for so long it is interesting as to how much new players want to get them back. Education of our current situation is important to review our situation as to why we cannot do certain things. Some things that people preach for are completely unaccomplished while others will turn out to be a bad idea. One of these would be becoming a military power.

The first issue we have when we run into this concept is that we have a very small population. We have always had a very small population and one of the lowest counts in the world. Because of this, our physical ability to compete against those we would consider not to be our closest friends is so weak, we wouldn't be able to make a small dent.

We had a chance to get our regions back because the superpowers were looking the other way. It turns out that we are so small and insignificant it doesn't matter how preoccupied our enemies are; we simply do not have the power to take our lands back by force. We can be shrugged off or occupied at their will; the reason they aren't right now is because we are currently not an expense.

It's like a spider on the wall. As long as the big person doesn't see us we're fine.

It is not a policy of being weak. The problem is we just don't have the muscle to back up any sort of threats. It's not doing whatever someone asks of us; the thing is no one really ever asks us to do anything. That's the cool thing about South Africa. You live here and we have little international involvement. We would like to keep it that way.


Above all else in this world of ours, honesty can be hard to come by. You never know whether you are looking at a devil in sheep's clothing or a lamb with a halo. We would like to present ourselves to you, as a pure party. We do not exist to undermine the efforts of those who do not believe with us, unless their efforts are bad for our country. We are here to represent you, not our personal beliefs.

While not all our members are physically in the party, they are active outside of the media realm. We have the influences from many of our oldest eSouth Africans, those who have been with this country through good times and bad. Following the fall of the second republic many ended up not returning. Their voices will echo through us forever though, not matter how far away they are.

Jizzie Mcquire
Rico Suave
Esteban Delgado
Ali Mentary
Ryan Dagari

These are people who have been through this nations history in and out. Some of them are the history. They have helped found this party. If you are in the dark and you don't know who to look to, always remember, we can be trusted. We have nothing but the nation in our heart and honesty through our souls. We will not and do not wear masks to hide our true intent. We are the real deal, we are the truest politicians, and we have proved it by our actions.

We just want to make sure the country we helped create stays shining its best. We are a beacon of freedom and prosperity. Lets keep it that way.