Thailand Under Attack - Karanataka Update

Day 835, 18:18 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,


Indonesia was once a powerful eNation. Their empire was the largest ever seen in this game. However, earlier this winter, the Asian campaign formulated and executed by the eUS and her allies of EDEN, pushed Indonesia out of central Asia, and out of South Africa. Now, Indonesia is confined to their original territories, however, they are not happy with their current situation. Currently, sources have indicated that they are planning an attack on our fortress nation, that we rented from eIndia, of Karnataka.

Now i'm sure you have seen the articles telling you to move to Karnataka. Well, do it already. Every person that moves there, we'll help build up "the wall". You are worth something, every person matters in building up this wall, as long as V1 of eRepublik is in place (Admins are changing how war is played). For more info on this, check out my previous article on Karnataka, i think it is 5 articles back.

Indonesia has attacked Thailand, in order to gain a border with the region of Karnataka. If they gain this border, then they will be in striking distance and have the capability of launching a coordinated attack with Phoenix members and take back the region that was once theirs (they took it from India).

The battle can be found here:

*As of now there are currently 14 hours remaining. I don't understand why the Military or militias aren't sending troops there, but, if we don't help out Thailand and their single MPP with Malaysia, then there nation will be taken over and used soley to attack the eUS.*

If you haven't fought yet, then i urge you to fight in that battle. Or just contact the Flying Unicorn Squadron, and ask for a moving ticket if you can't afford one to move to Karnataka to help build up the wall against a future attack!

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Marcus Patterson