Testartikkel for nye poster

Day 548, 10:02 Published in Norway Norway by Sebulba

testsite testsite

http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/10/19/531db99cb00833bcd414459069dc7387_55x55.jpg"> http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/10/03/65fc9fb4897a89789352e211ca2d398f_55x55.jpg"> http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/10/24/566a9968b43628588e76be5a85a0f9e8_55x55.jpg"> http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/10/03/de594ef5c314372edec29b93cab9d72e_55x55.jpg"> http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Parties/2009/12/27/3070e6addcd702cb58de5d7897bfdae1_55x55.jpg">








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Finally, the time has come.

Well, my dear friends, foes, colleagues, brothers(and sisters) in arms, and random people I've met during the last 909 days - it is time for me to say goodbye.It is with a sad heart I announce this, but I see no other choice than to step down now. There are many reasons involved here, and I will try to explain a few of them in this article.

But first, I want to give my deepest appreciation to all of those who has made the old "new world" a great place to be. I started out as a two-clicker, but eventually turned into a quite active politician. In this process, I've met many friends. Passionate people who cared about the game - people who cared about the other citizens - and people who quite frankly gave a damn. I will not fall into the trap of mentioning names here, but if you're reading this, and feel a slight sadness about this message, you're probably one of those.

The cheating part

When the Erepublik team some time ago, changed the settings so a new born citizen could vote after just a few days, they themselves started a multi/bot factory never seen before. When someone with foul intentions want to take over a country, he could sit down and make 200 multi accounts in a day, and 5 days later, he has an army of voters, ready to give him presidency in a country like Norway. Shame on the admins for doing this, and shame on the admins for not changing it back. Last, but not least - shame on them for not changing it in v2. I was expecting them to make the game a bit friendlier for the honest and average player, but I guess cheating scum pay for more gold than us.

It has been fun and all to dig up hundreds upon hundreds of multi accounts, and report them to the admins - however, this is not the random players responsibility. If we look at the event of Seko38 - the guy who took over Norway "alone", brought mayhem and war all over - right before admins actually did the one good thing in my time here. They rolled back all the wrong doings done by blatant cheating, and banned most of the multies we in the Norwegian National Security managed to dig up. No, I am not calling Seko38 a cheater, I've already gotten 0.5 forfeit points for hinting about it in a deleted article. But someone, apparently not connected to him, thought it would be a nice gesture to create 200 multi accounts and give all his votes to this Seko38. Technicalities? Well - if admins say he's innocent, he's probably as pure as a virgin Mary.

Behold this new feature

But to the point - this could easily have been prevented. They could have made the period until you could vote longer. They could have implemented a "prove you're human" to all votes in elections. God forbid a bot trained for a week, he must prove he's human - but changing the destiny for an entire nation by false votes? Nonono, that's not important. And, they could also take the warnings and signs about cheating serious, and look into the problem before cheaters manage to destroy a country's economy, MPP's, start wars all over the place etc etc.

I'm fed up with this. I don't want to hunt cheaters anymore. That's not my job in this game. I've been doing it for over 6 months now. For 6 months I've been doing the admins job. What are they spending all their time on? Oh, that's right - thinking out new ways to suck money from us, probably...

It all started with Lana!

The downfall started with Lana. The sexy cheerleader who wanted 5 GOLD for helping you with you training. You got goldz, you become $trong
..then came the treasure chest. How many got 5 or more gold? Highest I ever got was 4.7.
And now? A house that has walls lasting for only 67 days? What are they made of? crackers? Did anyone say world simulator?
The companies are a disaster after v2, the economy is going down the drain. All the new, "fancy" skills and what not is a mess. All around me, where ever I turn, there's an option to "spend gold, get more of this and more of that".

The game is ruined. At least for me. I was enjoying the political side of it, from the good, old days. But they have been substituted by fighting off PTO's. Fair enough, if they could just bloody play fair. But they won't, because the options to cheat are made so available.

And all these new features of the game, are simply lame. The charm and feeling of the game has gone. What we're left with, is just another random online game, where the developers are only out to get as many as possible to pay up a buck or ten. The game has turned into a bloody mess, and I for one has had enough. If they ever decide to care about the normal people, and stop encouraging cheating, I might be back.

I've wasted 2,5 years on this, hoping the game would improve. But for every improvement, a new failure appeared. So thank you all for all the fun I after all had from time to time, but I will now call it a day. Perhaps I will two-click (4 or 8-click now) for a while, and monitor the situation, but something truly special needs to happen for me to come back. Good luck to those of you who sticks it out. I will miss the late evenings, and - I will miss many of you guys out there. You know who you are...

Sebulba - signing out of eRepublik

Ex President
Ex Vice President
Ex Party President
Ex Minister of Finance
Ex Vice Minister of Defence
Ex Minister of Public Relations
Ex Minister of National Security
Ex Douche
15 x Congress Member
15 x Hard Worker
6 x Super Soldier
5 x Battle Hero
Field Marshal
Resistance Hero

P.S. Now Norway has one less "elite politician with all the power" to worry about. 1 gold to the first who can tell me who I just Quoted 😛
