Technocrats Policy, Part 5: Military and Summary

Day 543, 08:58 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

Hello again. While I have a few free moments of time, I would like to go over the Technocrats' military policy. To quote from their site (I apologize for the broken English--it's translated roughly from Norweigan):

"Norwegian time-cost expansionist foreign policy can not be called anything other than a disaster. Several times we have lost political control over the country, and this great uncertainty has significantly reduced the loyal Norwegian population - simply too much nonsense. Recently we were also in danger of losing the Norway; Hungarians tried to make it possible for the Russians to conquer all of Norway, through to "liberate" North-Norway. Empire has also resulted in a sharp avdemokratisering of Norway - Congress will be increasingly utav games due to various "exceptional situations". Is a marginally higher wages in the gold really worth putting the whole of Norway in danger?"

The majority of technocrats has long been skeptical of empire, and we tried to sell some eastern regions of Romania, while we still had control over them. This was not something, and our predictions about the PEACE wanted to take the eastern regions, proved quickly to be true.
If we are engaged directly in the East, we will again be a natural target for peace - especially since we will be the weak link in an alliance with Romania. We see it as obvious that the Empire back is far darker than its front is light. The focus must be on the Norway and re-raising of the loyal Norwegian population. We would prefer to engage strongly in Atlantis; provide assistance where needed, and build up the impression of eNorge as a reliable and loyal ally. We want to set aside a certain portion of the budget per month for operations, if the goal is to support our allies. A good and smart compared to Atlantis will assure our independence into eternity."

I really can't help but to agree with this, having lived through the Hungarian invasion. It seemed to me that Norway, and ATLANTIS, got a bit too greedy and being as we were the weaker of the ATLANTIS members in the area, we got the takeover in order for Hungary to try and take some regions back, or give them back to Russia. I'm still iffy about the advantages of being in ATLANTIS because frankly, we pretty much got ignored by our allies during the takeover. Yes, the Congress takeover was a bit unforeseen, but the presidential vote for the Hungarian was disgraceful. At that point, we all knew clearly what was going on, and yet while some allies moved to Norway temporarily to help against the Hungarian vote (and thank you, by the by, better to try and fail than not to have tried), the vote still failed. What hurts more than that is that it failed by a smallish margin... not TOO small, but small enough that a few volunteers from various ATLANTIS countries would have made the difference.

Having been burned on foreign politics, I'm all for building up Norway's interior. We want strong, active citizens, and a competent Congress and president. So far, I think people have been going slowly with the rebuilding efforts, perhaps a touch afraid of reaching too far or changing too much. At some point, decisions will have to be made for the future of Norway, and before we can do that, we need to decide what we can offer other countries both economically and militarily, and what they can offer us, and if it's worth it.

The answer to the last question in the quoted text is obviously no, at least in my opinion. To go on:

"The military will be among those who will benefit from the operations with Atlantis. We will have a Norwegian People's divided into Tanks (Jäger?) And the Troopers (soldier?). Norway's military will train loyal Norwegian soldiers with a long-term perspective, not fund foreign soldiers so that at times has been the practice. Being a warrior is one of several career paths in erepublik, and it will be totally beyond if we spent our hard [earned] gold on other than loyal Nordmenn - it would be reducing our joy of playing the game, it would lower the relative momentum in the next half! In addition, your tax money goes to a group of foreign tanks, hardly built up one's love for own country. We will get through a law in Congress that determines what the Army has a mandate; what will be required to be admitted as a Soldier or Jäger.

The military structure has had time-effective, we will therefore continue.A minister will be appointed chief, but we could imagine that a deputy chief also is appointed, to take to the time the Chief is not available. History has examples of the kind that have been lost due to the absence of a leader. We will not let it happen again.

Another innovation rob us, is that we will create a "field hospital" as part of the military. Every day, a player can receive 10 gifts from gusto. For example, 10 Q1 Gaver, providing an ease increase of 10 points. When a gift q1 costs 0.04 to 0.1 based on gold, we see that we get far more for the tax money by giving gifts rather than to buy wellness packs (10 Provides ease points), which costs 2 gold. In addition to the purchase of goods stimulate our economy."

Alright, into the meat of the discussion here. As much as I'm against dabbling in foreign politics at the moment, ATLANTIS does have at least one thing to offer: Wars. Right now, though we are "technically" at war with people, there are no active battles. In order for people to advance militarily, they need to fight in wars. There's almost always something going on in one of the various states of ATLANTIS, so the practice of hiring out foreign soliders could work to our advantage here, as WE go to help THEM in their efforts rather than the opposite. Also, organization for the military is a good thing. Perhaps we can get names for the units as well, to help solidify the bonds between citizens. Being a nameless member of the military is one thing, but being a member of the 151st Screaming Eagles is something entirely different. It adds identity, bonds between people, and, well, loyalty to your country. Veterans often have friendships between one another which are impossible to break, and it would be nice to see a shadow of that form between citizens in eNorway.

I think the field hospital is a brilliant idea. It shows support for our soldiers, stimulates the economy, and helps us out militarily.

Well, that's all I have for you on the Technocrat's policy. From here on out, instead of delving into the past, I will be trying to examine the future, and see what it holds for eNorway. To summarize:

Here you have the compressed version of our partiprogram. For hvordan vi har tenkt å oppnå disse målene, se det vanlige partiprogrammet. For how we intend to achieve these goals, see the regular party program.


- We will implement the flat income tax and zero sales tax, since it is both effective and fair.
- An active and open trade policy in consultation with Norwegian interests.
- Strengthen the Norwegian economy through Reopening eksportstøtte program.
- Working for increased wages in gold.
- Make [the] day easier for the poorest of us.
- Keeping up with the funding of our three state companies.
- Restoring balance in the Norwegian economy.

Social and political

- Fight corruption.
- All decisions taken in the plenary unless the information is extremely sensitive.
- The creation of an immigration works.
- We believe our citizens have the right to follow the debate in Congress.
- A vgjørelser need Congress's consent, if possible; Congress represents the people's will.
- We will work for the establishment of a degree of law - although not to a constitution.
- An active hospital and defense policy.
- Focus on making interesting for Norway Nordmenn.

Uriks and at war

- Imperiet was a nightmare based end to end; let us concentrate on the Norway!
- As an active and helpful member of the Atlantis, we will ensure that Norway will remain independent.
- A large gold reserves to make our military strong in time of trouble.
- The Norwegian army will be of Norwegian citizens, and defend Norway's interests.
- Gift Giving in the direction of the People's Army.
- In peacetime, we should prepare for war.

Thank you for your time.