TBP's offical senate candidates

Day 582, 00:46 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

This term the True Blue Party has had some new light come through in our party members. So including the older members we are putting forward a new founded team of senators. Below are TBP's official candidates:

New South Wales
Comrade Robb - Presentation
Comrade has been in Erepublik for a while now and has a very bright mind with great ideas for the upcoming congress term.

Mark Sanchez - Presentation
Mark Sanchez is a experienced congress member and plays a good role in the True Blue Party.

marty mac - No Presentation
Marty is an active in game player with 2 months experience and looking at entering the politics world of erepublik.

STAT - No Presentation
STAT is a hard working citizen with a number of medals up his sleeve, after his unlucky attempt at winning the congress elections 2 terms ago he has armed himself with more knowledge and wishes to try agian to enter the world of politics.

Amelia Black - No Presentation
Amelia is yet another new political candidate of TBP that is aiming to gain all the Australian regions back.

corny-ratbag - No Presentation
What can i say this man is brilliant in every way, designer of the GM Records, one of the greatest Minister of Industry's, TBP Party Creator & President, and a very loved eAustralian. He has been in congress for 6 terms! and was the Minister of Industry for 5 terms.
Corny is also about to bring out the GM Record ONLINE Version very soon.......I for one can't wait!

Northern Territory
TJ Winner - No Presentation
TJ Winner has 3 months of experience playing erep and would like to give the political world a run for its money.

Maverick Goh - Presentation
Maverick has been an active member in the senate fulling his pledges from last term. This term he plans on bettering Australia even more with new goals that he would like to see achieved.

Santic - No Presentation
Santic has a lot of experience behind him, being the current Minister of Industry and being a very active citizen of eAustralia. Voting for Santic will be a vote for a great Aussie, Santic is very smart and will express some great ideas for the congress.

Ben P - No Presentation
Ben P is a awesome Aussie bloke always around for a good old chat. Ben P also loves his country and will bring some good points into the new congress term.

stewstoyc (scotywest) - Presentation
Stewstoyc also known as Scotywest is a very very active citizen (having no Real life 😛), he also has been the Deputy Prime Minster and Minister of Industry for 3 terms.

Ryan Savastano - No Presentation
Only just over a month old, Ryan has decided that he would like to give politics in Australia a go.

Keye - Presentation
Keye has brought up some good ideas for this congress term and would benefit for eAustralia if he is voted in.

Meli Bound - No Presentation
Meli already has some congress experience, and we could use his skills.

scott newman - No Presentation
Scott is an active member of the part, has competed against Corny for PP a few times. After so many failed attempts to enter politics he has pushed on and is trying again to retain a position in congress.

Thanks for your time,
Stewstoyc, PR Manager of TBP

True Blue Party Team:
Party President: corny-ratbag
PR Manager: stewstoyc
PR Assistants: Maverick Goh, Santic, Mark Sanchez and Arno Vann