TBP ~ A new beginning

Day 484, 07:47 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Well what can I say, the AAA was severely inactive and a security threat to our nation. So, I have gathered a team of highly skilled and experienced citizens of the new world that I believe will add value and knowledge to the newly evolved TBP. What does TBP stand for I hear some of you ask? Well many of you may know me as the owner of True Blue International, so continuing my True Blue legacy, I have decided to rename the Advance Australia Alliance to the "True Blue Party". It will remain as a fairly centralized party respecting the view of both the citizens and companies of Australia.

The TBP will endeavour to educate general managers in good company management skills allowing them to run a profitable fair business, rather then punishing companies for actions they may not realise is hurting the economy. We believe that all citizens have the right to maintain their wellness both through fair wages and government support to help grow the economy. We believe in supporting local companies and allowing them to prosper while offering fair prices and wages to its fellow citizens.

We believe Australia should maintain a neutral stance with its relations world wide and rather than joining PEACE or ATLANTIS, it should become a brother of all countries. We believe in giving skilled citizens a go in cabinet through the use of deputy minister positions and training them to expand the knowledge and skills of the eAustralian population. We will promote freedom of ideas and will express the opinion of all of its party members.

Overall the TBP believes in giving all Australian citizens and company owners a fair go and if needed a second chance.

The TBP ~ A better future 😃 Join today >>> True Blue Party