Taking Things Too Far

Day 857, 00:38 Published in Canada Canada by Saya Innsbruck

Really? Impeaching a president voted in by the Canadian Voters is going to be impeached because a number of congressmen hates Samuel de Champlain? Not only does the relation between Chucky Norris minimal, impeachment should only be reserved for presidents that have completely abused their power or performed acts that have outright betrayed the trust of the nation. Apparently, for some, if the executive doesn't work the way you want, they are traitors as well.

It's your opinion to believe the man is a traitor, or the Union Nationale sucks, or whatever, but to use game mechanics as a means to overthrow a democratically elected president of Canada is a gross abuse of power. It spits in the face of what we hold dear, and is every bit as treacherous as Champlain's actions during WWIII. We can always retake our land, or rebuild our economy. However, to destroy the spirit of democracy is to attack the very system we have in place. It's more valuable than our high diamond/titanium. Most do not even know of Samuel de Champlain, nor care about him.

Of course, some of the congressmen that have voted yes certainly have the interest of the nation in mind, as they have complete believe that Samuel de Champlain is a traitor and the executive has abused their power in this case. This to me, however, is akin to real life US ratifying the Patriot Act because of 9/11. A complete curb of democracy in exchange for "security".

I have voted NO in the impeachment vote. I hope my fellow congressman does it as well, and solve this in diplomacy rather than a negative flame fest that is happening at the moment.


Apparently the transfer of the company to the Canadian Health Service is also a point arguing for Chucky Norris' impeachment. Myself and the MoH/Congressman James Wiens have access to the organization as well - and we are members of the legislative as well. Dozens can testify that James Wiens, the current Minister of Health, is of good character. Further, if Chucky Norris moved the company for greed - would he not moved it into his own organizations? And would he not empty Revenue Canada? Bascially put, this matter is only a transfer of government assets from one government ministry to another government ministry. No CAD/gold moved into the hands of private individuals.

While putting gift companies in government usage may hurt businesses, that is another argument and is not relevant to this current issue.