Taking the first step

Day 1,001, 15:54 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

to a better eCanada starts at home. I would like to publicly congratulate several DALers for their contributions to this country. First of all, Crisfire's food for e-life contest is an incredible show of support to the community, from one of its most dedicated players. I would also like to recognize Armour144, for his many recent articles, some of which have been charitable, some educational, and all worth reading. I would like to thank Supabeasty for his constant efforts to help me and the older DAL members communicate better.

Moving on though, there is much to discuss. While we may be enjoying ourselves fighting the brits and spending gold on them, it is important to realize that our nation is in danger. Once we wipe the UK, which I am confident we will be able to do, their MPPs against us will disappear. France, on the other hand, has MPPs against us and has made the move to join Phoenix.

If and when they attack, we should be ready. No doubt it will be a lot of fun and eventually we will push them back, but with all but 2 of our MPPs expiring in less than 10 days, the gravity of the situation should be made clear to all of us. We are spending much gold on the UK. We will need to spend more on MPPs very soon. London costs over 1000 gold to attack.

I do not write this so that we despair, but rather, so that we are aware of the quality of leadership necessary for our nation to continue this era of prosperity and pwning UK/enemies. Congress elections are coming up, and we are going to need to bring in a team that will help keep eCanada at this point; able to pay for war, a strong, united community supportive of the government.

The DAL has already begun planning who it will run for congress. I assure you, only qualified candidates who I truly believe are capable of leading our nation will be run as official candidates. If you wish to be one of these candidates, please just send me a pm. If you are signed onto the DAL forums, you can post your candidacy there.

If you just wish to help out with election planning and organizing, please send me a pm as well. Planning is far more work than running as a candidate, and far more helpful to the party. (you can, of course, do both.)

Please expect my future articles to be better organized and of a higher quality, I've been very busy attending my new duties as DAL PP, and just wished to stress the importance of our actions today, and how they could effect our lives in the upcoming weeks.