Sweet Mother... I fell off the Top 100! Also, Attn: eGays, Srsly

Day 940, 23:31 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton

This is a sad day for me, fellow eReppers. Today, I fell off the top 100 papers in the eUS. I haven't been off the Top 100 since my first week. I came in at 79, moved up to around 25 then fell down today to 101. SUBSCRIBE!!!! ....and vote this up.

UPDATE 2: I'm currently back and all the way to 92!!! Thanks guys, keep the subs coming!

Anyway, I started a Top 7 list a while back. Basically, I pick a topic and list the 7 most relevant people to said topic. I want to start that back up. So, this coming article's topic is: drumroll The Top 7 Sexiest eGays on eRep!

So, if you are gay and think you are hot (or want to attempt to be on my list) then PM me with a link to your photo. You have 2 days to submit!

Sincerely and Sexually,
THE Claire Littleton

Again, please Subscribe!!!! and vote this up!!! Thankssss!