Swedish military activity bigger than expected?

Day 1,474, 01:29 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Player paintballforfun just gained 10'000 strength (Congrats to him!). In the mist of joy he wanted share his great news with his fellow soldiers and posted a shout in his Military Units about this, promising to give out lots of Q5 weapons and food to everyone player commenting his post.

15 hours later, the shout got 100 responses.

I don't know if he expected this kind of reaction or not, but it will sure be a costly celebration. Even if he decides to lower the amount of goods he promised to maybe "some Q5 weapons and food" to every player, and sending only 10 Q5 weapons and 100 Q5 food to each and one of the commenter, he will still have to pay up around 35000 SEK.

That's like 30 gold worth of stuff!

Its a lot of money. Therefore, I think that instead of him sending out presents, we should send him something to help him cover the costs to celebrate paintballforfuns great news, but also to celebrate our own overwhelming activity in the MU when it comes to free stuff. How about we send him today's salary?

I'm doing it, and you should too. Send paintballforfun 195 sek! (or what ever you can spare)
Great achievements should be celebrated!

