Swedish Kids Can't Compete in Danish Schools

Day 189, 19:56 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


(There now the Swedes who click this link will be distracted until they pass out from their heads spinning and minds-blowing.)

Recent reports from an extensive investigation of Swedish children in Danish primary schools (folkeskolerne) have given results that are quite worrying. It seems that there is not a Swedish student alive who has passed the 4th Grade level of the Danish primary schools.

In an attempt to correct this anomaly which presumably was only a consequence of Swedish society and could be corrected with enough time and patience among the Danish population. However absolutely no improvement has been made in teaching the Swedish immigrants anything. Across the board, from reading, writing and arithmetic the poor Swedes simply can't get past a 4th grade level.

Danish teacher, Mrs. Krebsæbleson was quoted as saying "I simply don't know what to do. They can easily remember the alphabet, they also remember the sounds. But once you get past 5 words they start to forget what the first words of the sentence was and then they are completely lost!"

The Danish Institute for Biology suggests that this is because the skull structure of the Swede (Homnicus Swedicus, or Homo Swede in laymans terms) is much closer related to the skull of some kind of really smart chimp. However the Swedes lack a section of the brain reserved for civil functions, such as ettiquette, problem solving, not making war, and not acting stupidly all the time. This lack means that they can no longer measure which degrees of "politeness" is required for a given situation, and that they have a very hard time "not going to war" and "not acting stupid." If you question the validity of this scientific survey, just check the majority of their comments to me in my articles and posts on erep.se. If only you could see my inbox.

However this development has proven to be a valuable tool in the Danish resistance. Whenever a Danish freedom fighter is stopped by a Swedish SS man the Dane simply says "Everything I say is a lie." followed by the Dane saying "I am telling a lie." As soon as the Swede takes about 5 seconds to fully comprehend what was said he eventually starts spasming until he shoots himself.