Sweden's economy catastrophic - time to make money and help Sweden out!

Day 1,495, 07:41 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Sweden's economy has gone down the drain and it will get worse if we the people do nothing. The Swedish left wing regime that hold control over Sweden after the coup d'état has no official state involved plans on how to control it. Except some unrealistic shouts here and there. It is all up to us businessmen.

Article by Toothpaste


- Right now 1 gold costs 1300 to 1400 SEK. Normally the gold price is around 1100. This due to the admin released a bonus building the other day and people started to buy up every gold they could from the market while others stopped selling it.

- Sweden is being gang banged by 4 external enemies (soon maybe 5 or even 6) and will and is losing vital regions that has been before boosting our production a lot. Before this Great War, when we had control over Norway, our production bonus were as high as 60%, today they are down to 20-40%. People with lots of farms are therefore no longer producing enough raw material to satisfy our national needs.

- Raw materials for weapon production are basically gone from the market. The price sky rocked course of this. It is actually more economical to produce raw materials than finished products right now (cuz of the price on materials and the salaries).

- Sweden is at war and the government pays every day several hundred of thousands of SEK to the soldiers so they can buy weapons and food. This governmental policy creates a huge unbalance on the market - we cant produce weapons fast enough - we lack workers, raw materials and factories!


Produce more raw material! It is not about the price but about the productivity. We need to produce more to continue to make money. If the price will continue to rise and the productivity will not, the economy will come to a halt.

It will most likely result in the businessmen that need a lot of raw materials to produce weapons for the soldiers will move to other countries for the raw materials and stop buying stuff from the Swedish market completely. It will be this that halts our market.

The high gold price is perfect opportunity to invest in saltpeter mines and cattle farms. If you have any gold – start selling it. If you have been thinking on buying gold for real money, this is good time since the exchange rate gold to sek is almost as high as it would have been with the “30% extra gold” advertising.

And start buying buildings that produce raw materials, especially raw materials for weapons! Good luck out there!

- Budilings - which ones to invest in!
- How a newbie can get thousands of SEK in a few clicks!

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