Suspended's mystery in My land

Day 1,382, 18:00 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by boshkovski

Everyone heared about an account who has 1294 properties in My land ... Yes that's Suspended. Because almost nobody can see the magical land i got an idea to make an article about it.. So let me start with describing that land :

At the begining we can see one 1k storage and a q1 Town Center and 10 Fishery's

As we continue walking we can see 294 q1 Food Factory's

There are also 93 q2 Food Factory's

19 q3 Food Factory's

and 11 q4 Food Factory's

After a little break from the long path we continue and there are 10 Aluminum Mine's

And the biggest amount of q1 Weapon Factory's 619 of them

160 q2 Weapon Factory's

68 q3 Weapon Factory's

and at the end there are 20 q4 Weapon Factory's

So after the long walking i suggest you not to open this user's My land because your browser might crash, and also your PC..