Surrender or die?

Day 1,270, 13:59 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman
The 50 States

That is the big question of most countries facing there demise, here we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Surrendering: While surrendering doesn’t sound as great as dieing, it might be for the best, as long as you’re the only one fighting your enemy. Surrendering in the end is usually better for the people in general; they don’t waste money, time and supplies trying to win an already lost war. Surrendering also might be able to keep some of your land and might not be lost in the great book of time. Though the disadvantages are, humiliation to your government and sometimes the people and the entire country in general, plus it takes along time to regain the honor you have lost by surrendering (unless of course everyone expects you to lose).

Fighting back: Though fighting back does have great rewards even if you do lose, everyone respects someone who doesn’t give up and continues fighting till the end (I respect Spain for not giving up to a already decided war). Even when your country is finally liberated, even if it is a by an ally, in the most part countries and people will respect you. Though fighting back may sound great, unless your government is well funded you will be finding your self spending money on weapons, food and supplies.
So in the end there is no right or wrong answer, give up and make it easier on the people or fight back and gain or keep respect from other countries and people. You decide.

*Spain campaign*
We are advancing on Spain’s west front; we have gained Extradura and are currently fighting for Basque Country, a see-saw battle there. US forces putting down a Spaniard Rebellion in Cantabria.

Mexico is down to only 2 areas left as US forces take the Pacific Coast of Mexico.
Link of the day:

Editor: Chris Hartman
Thanks for reading.