Supreme Court of eCanada - March 31 update

Day 1,227, 18:37 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

The player known as MG, having admitted an infamous theft, was banned from irc and the forums excepting an in court mask. The president should appoint someone to prosecute.

The thread is here:

Dominik regained forum access. The process of discussion and a general procedure for future use was developed by Judge Plugson.

The thread is here:

Rolo had been given an opportunity to elect a sentence which avoided a permanent ban. Having failed to make an election in the time permitted, his permanent ban has now become… permanent.

I have communicated my resignation as Chief Justice to the president, effective whenever he wishes to accept it. I was nominated and confirmed almost two months ago, and I haven't wanted to rely on the new "life tenure" enjoyed by our judges. So, the president can replace me when he wishes.

There are some "on the horizon" matters which will likely be discussed and determined by the court in the next while including the place and expectations of lawyers/councel/representatives. The overlapping jurisdictions and functions of the admins/court is also something which deserves a principled elaboration.