Supporting Green in 09'

Day 410, 13:57 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

It took awhile but it's official: Peter Green will be on the Presidential ballot.
I proudly endorse Peter Green for President in 09'. I can't think of a better way to kick-off the new year than campaigning for the highest office in the land.

Peter is not a new comer to the game of politics. He was once the president of the largest party in the world the USWP. He has moved on to founding his own party that I am proud to be a member of.
The United States Green Party grew from the leadership of Peter Green who never made a political decision that affected the party without the popular vote of the party. He includes everyone in the debates which range from the Green Party Platform to Israeli Independence to who should we endorse.

No other Party President has given me the chance to achieve my eAmerican aspirations like this man Peter Green. He has experiance, A message, A vision for America, and is the Dark Horse in this election. If my words are not convincing enough here is his Acceptance Speech for the Green Party Nomination.

"In less than two days, I will figure on your Presidential ballot. The US Green Party has chosen not to support one of the mainstream candidates, but to put me forth as an alternative candidate. We have come to the realise that this country needs Real Change. We cannot sit back and watch our troops and allies get defeated again and again. We cannot sit back and see our jobs get outsourced overseas. We have to stand up and vote for Real, Green change.

A vote for me, is a vote for Diplomacy, for a strong, Local Economy and for Real Change. Let's get those solar panels back on the White House!

On a side note, I have waited to announce my candidacy till today because of the strict game rules allowing only the top 5 candidates to run. Today we can be sure I will be able to run, if no major party changes its endorsement. If elected President, I will do everyting in my power to get an election reform, allowing every party to run their candidate in a first electional round. If a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, he is elected President. If not, a second round will follow with the top 2 candidates.

Join my campaign today and become a member of the US Green Party
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Green Change is Real Change"