Support System

Day 734, 18:57 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

We here at t’jelle have worked to increase the availability of customer service. This has been a growing challenge for us and we’ve helped to fix any common delays you might experience by updating our methods and recruiting new people to work.
We have had the new ticket system on the website for a few days now and it has allowed us to increase the efficiency of responses quite handily over the old pm method. We’ve also been able to keep records for your benefit so that we can better serve you in the future. We wanted to talk about a few things in relation to that.

Some things to know or do when you create a ticket:

-Use an informative subject: This is the first thing we see and it could affect how your ticket gets treated
-Make sure we know your citizen’s and your bank account’s name: This helps reduce the time it takes to respond and limits the amount of times we may need to contact you for details
-Choose a realistic priority level: This helps us control a volume of tickets and it is better if they are marked correctly; Is it really HIGH priority that your account is changed from Deposits to Investment?
- Put yourself in our position and think about what we might require to help you effectively that is missing from your ticket or may be lightly explained.
-Use concise language and be clear about what you want: If you let us know what you want to happen efficiently, we can be more efficient about making it happen
-Feel free to peruse our website and check for info before you send one. If you find what you’re looking for you saved yourself a bunch of time!
-If we say that we’re going to refer it to another department or elevate it than that means that we’re making sure your ticket gets the attention it deserves. It may mean an additional delay but it will mean a better response
-Most of us work around a US time-schedule so if you’re one of our international customers please have patience
-If you have a bug with the website or a transaction is completed incorrectly, please send a ticket as soon as you can after you’ve looked for an answer. This allows us to treat it as a fresh case and we may still remember the item in question
-The org and entity as a whole may occasionally seem to be (and is) schizophrenic so please make sure that everything relevant is linked or easily visible

This may be updated later as we decide on things to add the article so check back. And most important is that our overall goal with support is to make you have a better time with our bank so don’t hesitate to send one in if you need to after you’ve read this!