Summary: eBG and eSK

Day 1,007, 10:02 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs

// I`m sorry that I delay with this summary. I have a lot of work in real life(RL) and I spend a few minute in game - only to work, read something and vote. //

I think with article I write in eBulgaria press you gain something. First - new friends, some of them ask me in PM 'How is life in eSK? Can be better that eBG life in some aspect?' and after a few PM with me, they understand that life in eSK have also positive aspect. Some of them write PM to Arjay Phoenician, president of eSK in this time that I interviewed him and use it to my article, to explain to him about Bulgaria and eBG, because of that he know not so much about history of this country.
Second - workers and investors, I can be sure for that of course. But I think that some eBulgarians are view that they can make good investment in eSK market and win with this.
I think my articles in eBulgaria about eSouth Korea can only be for good and in bad time to have friend that can help us.

In future I think to use my gold to buy food from eSK market and with him to help to eBulgarian after war. Reason to want to do this is that I will show that you are good people and you can be helpful. Other reason to make this is that all food will be buy from our market and this will be good for our economy.
I also think to make interview with Grease, president of eSouth Korea and again to use it for connection.