Sugarbabes Awareness Day and The Uk Ambassador

Day 877, 05:47 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Karacticus

Greetings people from across the pond, it is I Karacticus.
Now as you've all made cute little avatars for your Sugarbabes awareness day, I've made an effort and compiled a guide to buttons for your pleasure.

The Standard

For general clothing needs, the Standard.

The Duffle

A slightly perculiar design for you very own duffle coat.

Famous Button

A famous button as played by Bradley Pitt.

The Moon

Indeed it is a well known fact that the moon is a button.


This is a Jenson. He is a successful button


A local saying around these parts that involves the words button and it.

Your protests have been noted. A member of our team will get back to you later


On behalf of the Sugarbabes and the British people I welcome your heartfelt tribute and embrace you with the words...

Awww there's lovely

Never Forget

All the best

Official Ambassador to the Ireland