Sucko Can't Read! (and the withdrawal of SAIL)

Day 361, 13:48 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex
In response to rampant reports of Sucko and Tomislav ignoring PMs and IM attempts by all of the appointed cabinet members I sent Sucko the following PM:

"It has come to my attention that you are blatantly ignoring the cabinet we fought so hard to set up. This was obviously just another failed attempt for you to legitimize your colonization and rape of south africa and i will not stand for it.

You ignore the PMs of my ministers, your communication is entirely illegible, and you do as you please anyways. This is UNACCEPTABLE.

If you do not honor your commitment SAIL will unanimously resign from their posts and will consider all attempts at coalition and reconciliation to have failed. It will be YOUR fault.

This is the final straw. Despite all you've robbed us of we have continued to try and work with you. After this latest attempt at ignoring us and making us into your fools we will sever all relationship with you.

You have been warned. Honor your agreements or you will be revealed as the liar and fraud to are to the rest of the eWorld."

This was my final attempt to continue to work with Sucko. Since the initial take over SAIL we have all tried as hard as we can to reason with the string of CAU imbeciles who have raped our country. His response, however, is the final straw.

The Response:
"It is interesting that only you complain to me over MPP. Except, once, Minister of Defence has sent me pm.
I don't have energy to write to you any more. I really work hard. You don't know how much. A lot of people who hated me before, now they don't hate me, even members from your party. 😉 Bye."

Okay....Firstly, where in the F*CK did I EVER mention the Indonesian MPP in that PM? I haven't breathed a word about it publicly ANYWHERE, in fact! The rest of the message is a "look how great i am" speech that could have been written by a 2-year old. Sucko apparently can't or won't read. He just sees what he wants to and bangs his head against his keyboard until something looks cohesive enough to his child-like mind and presses the Send button. He also apparently has the English language skills of a chimpanzee.

Not only this, but I've received a high level of complaints from foreign reps and ministers (especially the Italians) that he is near-impossible to communicate with, either ignoring their messages or sending incomprehensible responses.

This is the complete and utter incompetence and disregard for South Africa Zocky and Sucko have collectively displayed since Day 1 in it's ultimate form.

Sucko can't think, he can't read, and he has an incredibly warped view of the world around him. Rather than leading his party he ought to be locked in a rubber-padded room for his own safety.

This, fellow South Africans and Croations alike, is the final straw for SAIL. We are withdrawing for the "Cabinet," as it was an obvious ruse to marginilize us from the beginning. With the exception of bank chairman and chief economist Hireshmont Vellos, who has been the vanguard of saving SA's economy from collective ruin at the hands of the Croation Oligarchy, we will all be leaving our posts effective immediately. To the forums! For the revolution is at hand.

To the Croations:
Sucko is an incompetent moron. He can't read, can't think, and has no idea what is going on around him. Is this the person you want representing you? Truly, I think not. And do you really think Tomislav will do any better?

Sucko je nesposobni kreten. On ne može čitati, ne mogu misliti, i nema pojma što se događa oko njega. Je li to osoba koju želite da predstavljaju vas? Zaista, mislim da ne. I zar stvarno mislite da će učiniti bilo koju Tomislava bolje?