Stuff admin have done lately:

Day 1,128, 08:36 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

1) Put a PIN code feature in. In theory this should keep everyone's money safer. You don't have to use it - but if you set it up don't forget the number!

2) Promised a stats page for wars and battles.

3) Allowed companies to move from orgs to citizens. Not only does the company get a 25% production bonus if you do this (on top of any regional bonuses), but it also gives you a free country license for Norway if you need it.

4) Allowed people to move regardless of job location. This means you can work in Norway but go live in New Zealand if you like. And yes, congressmembers and even presidents can go off wandering around the world. (Of course, who wouldn't want to live in Norway!) Plus soon we won't have moving tickets to worry about either.

5) Made sure compnaies don't switch countries when country conquered. Vital little change that stops an entire country's industry being absorbed into the conqueror - just like political parties do - when a country disappears.

6) Combined all the different weapon types into a single 'weapons' industry. There was no longer any difference between the types damage-wise so this makes sense.

7) Turned all titanium into iron. Another simplification, this means old titanium comps can now choose to be oil or grain or iron.

8 ) Promised not to scrap all orgs. If we all move our companies to our citizens we are not going to need all the orgs. And if we want to scrap them we'll get a refund but they are not just going to be ripped away without our agreement.

9) Told us stone based industries will be able to convert into the new raw materials. Still not sure what is happening to moving tickets.

On the whole I think these are pretty good and welcome changes. We're finally moving past the well-meaning but badly implemented V2 and into a more stable world. I am looking forward to January!