Strategic Voting and Lessons Learned

Day 737, 14:28 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

First, I would like to offer a hearty "well-done" to the winners of the Saskatchewan Parliamentary elections yesterday. Addy Lawrence, and Karsten Skaries, both crossed the finish line ahead of me, the latter beating me out by just a hair. I wish the two of you all the best - I will be gunning for you in the next election, and I will doing all I can to prevent a repeat of last night.

What happened last night? Well, it was a case of Strategic Voting putting both Lawrence and Skaries into Parliament, with me sitting on the outside. Is this a case me eating sour grapes? Not in the least! I am proponent of strategic voting, for several reasons:

1. It answers the question, "Which party can best mobilize their memberships?"
2. It provides drama as the above question is answered in real time! I was up until 3 am EST watching the results come in. There were several races which came down to the last minute,
literally, mine included. It was on-the-edge-of-your-seat anticipation. (Sure, I was defeated, but the drama was still there, nonetheless!)
3. It STILL forces the candidates to buid their voting base. If I had not secured 8 of my 9 votes on my own, the entire issue of the morality of Strategic Voting would have been moot. Strategic Voting only became relevant because, first I gathered around me those who believed in my platform and appreciated my Parliamentary efforts and results. The Canadian Progressive Front would not have 'wasted' a vote on me if I didn't first give myself a chance to win.
4. For parties who engage in this practice, their results essentially cancel each other out.

So I can walk away knowing that, in all likelihood, I lost because those who did win, had more supporters. True democracy in action!

However, I have learned some lessons in campaigning. I ran this election on my own, reaching out to voters and friends, asking for their vote, writing articles, and running advertisements. It was fun! However, the fact that I did it alone hurt me. Real life issues crop up, and I had to work last night from 5 pm to 1 am EST. During that time, I had 2 PMs in game, both requesting moving tickets. Needless to say, I did not get their votes - these were both new eCitizens who no longer lived in Saskatchewan, but still desired to vote for me. (The irony is, I first met them when they were Saskatchewan residents, but I encouraged them to leave, because without a hospital, it was mostly senseless to remain!) For the next campaign, I will need to bring at least one other person alongside me to ensure that there is always someone able to respond to voters the entire day.

So, to those who did vote for me - I sincerely thank you. While I did not win, you showed me that my efforts do matter to you. I will continue to work for you, and other newborn Saskatchewan eCitizens. Together, we will make eCanada stronger! And we will help eCanada to make our enemies shrudder!

Wilhelm Gunter
MP for Saskatchewan, November '09">