Strain Reviews With MikeBane Returns! Blackberry Kush

Day 1,873, 16:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace
Strain Reviews
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Hello, I'm MikeBane; Strong and loyal comrade of the ILP and Labour People's Army. Out of my experiences and future encounters, I will provide YOU with the best bud reviews for your entertainment and viewing pleasure. 😉


Blackberry Kush

Overview: Blackberry Kush is an indica-dominant strain of cannabis, it is well known for its excellent taste and potency. If you're a fan of the kush, than I highly recommend this strain!

Effects: This may be an ugly for some but the truth is you are going to feel a little lazy after smoking this. Besides that, the other common reported effects include euphoria, happiness, sleepiness, and the munchies!

Medical Use: Some common medicinal uses for Blackberry Kush is to relieve stress, insomnia, pain, anxiety, and/or lack of appetite.

The Ugly: Here comes your favorite part, the negatives! The biggest negative about this strain is the dry mouth. Last night my mouth was so dry and I unfortunately had no water! Other reported side affects included dry mouth and dizziness.

Comment below what YOUR favorite strain is and see it reviewed next!!!

Warning: The bud presented in these articles are not intended for illicit use. The writer and publisher of these articles, in no way, condones the use of illicit drugs. Do not break your country's laws!

Sincerely Eire's,
Comrade Bane