StockBroker- Updated

Day 645, 13:42 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

And welcome to the first edition of StockBroker. Throughout the following weeks and months we will be bringing you weekly updates on the current state of the markets, stock levels within the country and also stock prices. In addition to this we will also be providing you with a short impartial rundown of the week’s news which quickly summarises the news for those that do not have the time to sit through and read huge articles. Please Vote, Subscribe and I hope you find it informative!
IndieKid, Editor

Average Prices and Comparison Prices
Information gathered from
[Food,Gifts,Weapons,Moving Tickets]

[Grain, Oil, Wood, Houses]
Link to 26/8/09 Google Doc
Link to Complete Google Doc (This week there is no difference)

These will be updated weekly every Wednesday and will be reproduced in this article.

Now onto the Weekly News

• Yesterday a new congress was voted in. This article shows well the changes in control over regions by the different political parties.
•Scotland received the Q5 hospital promised by Hungary, and the South West received a new Q5 hospital purchased from Eurasian HealthCare.
• A new podcast from Hassan and RRS after 2 months of no release. Patrick Reckitt is releasing a new set of shorter podcasts detailing the events leading up to the United Kindgom joined the PEACE GC.
• The MoD/MoW launched a new campaign to draw away new citizens from the damaging King Foods.
Necrosis and GLaDOS announced they were running against each other for CP.
Regional Wars were restarted on the forums to try boost regional activity.
• The USA lost more regions to the forces of PEACE GC, but EDEN/Fortis are staging a comeback launching attacks on several fronts. was re-launched as

Some Useful Economics Websites:
Moishe's Tool Shed
Gecko Ltd eRepublik Tools
eGobba's World Map

INTERESTING FACT: There is no Q5 Iron of Q5 Wood for Sale in the World!

Thank you for reading, and hopefully voting and subscribing! I hope you have found this article informative and interesting. More of the same next week, if you have any suggestions about the article, please contact me or post in the comments!


EDIT: Joining the MoT after the election as they have started releasing data to the public as a direct result of this article, so due to time restrictions I have decided to help the MoT gather information for the public rather than privately collect it.