Stiri din lume despre razboiul romaniei cu iranul.!!!

Day 461, 09:08 Published in Romania Romania by konnarcis2

Vazand ce parere au australieni am hotarat sa sondez toata presa internationala sa vad atitudinea fiecarei tari.
eArgentina -
"Rmania explains with very nice words what is she doing in Asia... She wants to liberate China etc etc etc... Very nice story like USA - Israel in RL, what she actually wants is a satelite in PEACE's heart...

I'm talking to ALL citizens of eArgentina, all argentinians who spent all their gold in the battle of Pampas, i'm talking to all argentinians who saw ATLANTIS wash their hands, I'M TALKING TO ALL ARGENTINIANS WHO WANT REVANGE!!!! ARE WE GOING TO SIT AND SEE HOW ATLANTIS STRIKES AGAIN?

Well, MY answer is NO... I'm going to defend our friends of Iran, what are YOU going to do?"
Asta este indemnul la razboi impotriva populatiei romanesti.

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