Stepping Down as Congressman

Day 691, 09:18 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

Yes, that's right, after this term is finished, I am going to step down as a congresswoman. I would have liked to have been more active in the governing of Norway--although I never missed voting on an issue--but due to two reasons, I feel it's better to let someone else take my spot. The first is simply real life: I've been too busy to be as involved as I wanted to be. The second is the language barrier. I don't mind translating Norweigan to English, but it is time consuming, and when I've only a few minutes a day, I feel I lose something that other, Norweigan-speaking, members of congress would get in a moment.

I am not, nor will I ever, leave Norway. I love it here. And, when my schedule clears some, I may step up to run for congress again. But for right now, all I can do is just hold steady, instead of helping to move Norway forward. Thank you for all your support over the last six months.