Statistics: the Richest and Poorest congressmen of Sweden!

Day 1,498, 06:52 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Image: statistics over the Swedish congress' economical values. 27th december 2011.

The average congressman in Sweden earns 1902 sek per day, or 1.57 gold. He owns 19 economical structures of a total worth of 658'558 sek, that's ca 542 gold. The Swedish congressman with the best daily income earns around 4'500 sek per day (ca 3.72 gold). Congressman on the bottom on the list on the other hand only earns 250 sek (ca 0.21 gold).

Article by Toothpaste

The richest congressman (total worth/best valued companies) is KonkelBaer with 1,9 million SEK worth of companies. Thats amazing 1'629 gold worth of buildings! The poorest congressman on the other hand only have economical structures worth of around 75'000 SEK (ca 61 gold).

Note: Statistics are based on todays numbers (gold price, rw price, salaries etc)


The poles has done a similar list over their congress (its where I got the idea from). I've taken Rafis number and recalculated them into gold and into average numbers. Here are the results:

Poland: Total worth of companies: 12'613 gold
Sweden: Total worth of companies: 8'130 gold

Poland: Per congressman: 371 gold
Sweden: Per congressman: 542 gold

Poland: Total income of the congress: 50 gold
Sweden: Total income of the congress: 23 gold

Poland: Per congressman: 1.47 gold
Sweden: Per congressman: 1.57 gold

NOTE: If any other country has done a similar list over their congress please send me a link. It would be fun comparing the numbers against each other!

- Merry Christmas everybody - Viking style!
- Sweden's economy catastrophic - time to make money and help Sweden out!
- NEWSFLASH! Political take-over in Sweden - the president impeached!