State of Argentina

Day 580, 17:38 Published in USA USA by livingabroad

Currently there is a bill asking for the impeachment of the Argentinian President going through their congress. Luckily for the populace it seems that it will fail. The user who proposed this is not looking to improve Argentina. He should not be reelected in the next few days for those users in the region of Gran Chaco. Roetter should not be reelected!

There are suspicions that he is a multi-user who is just there to cause trouble as much he can. His status mentions something about a Take Over. It seems that perhaps foreign users could be infiltrating the congress in the hope of ousting the current president, galle13. As galle13 pointed out to me this user has a wellness of .57 and he does not work, he does not have a newspaper, and it seems that he would die quickly, yet stays a live by fighting everyday. Galle13 also mentions that companies have been rather upset with him since he does not work. Every job he gets he is soon fired from.

This is quite clearly not being orchestrated by the runner-up in the elections, who does not want to take office in such an unpatriotic way. To quote fedegen "I hope this impeachment will be rejected. I already vote NO. This is nota democratic way of be the president of a country.
I am going to candidate myself again on July president election, and i hope to win with the votes of our citizens."
To me this seems like a very honorable thing to say, not to take advantage of what comes his way, but choosing to stick with what is right and honest.

As of right now this wrongful movement is a standstill with a 7-7 vote. Note that more than just majority is needed for this to pass, 66% as with all impeachments. Don't let galle13 be impeached, message the Argentinian congress with a link to this article to prevent this from happening.

Galle13: "I feel a big tingling over my back 😒"

Thank you galle13 and fedegen. Roetter did not comment.