Squiddy in Landslide Party President Victory... Again

Day 423, 03:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Many of you came out yesterday, despite severe weather warnings, to place your vote for who you wished to be the new Party President for the new year. I won't lie, it was not a close race. It seems our long time leader; Squiddy, has won the hearts and minds of a vast majority of The Unity Party and taken yet another term as Party President.

Up until the day before, Malta_1990 looked as if he would walk the election, with no manifesto from Squiddy, and Ares989 banned from the forum, his only competition was 3 relative unknowns. However, Squiddy made a surprise application at the last moment, leading to an emotional outburst from Malta: "Ah come on! I'll be dead by the time you'll retire. "

Though Malta was consoled by his supporters, who chante😛 "6th time lucky." it did not save him from defeat.

The results stand as follows:

Squiddy - 64.13%
Malta_1990 - 19.57%
TheAwesomeMatt - 5.43%
Revo Hagalaz - 4.35%
ares989 - 4.35%
Matthew G S Danaher - 2.17%

The Unity Party had the second largest turnout of the main parties, with 44.66% (92) of party members turning up to the poll, being beaten only by MDU who have previously made claims that they are the most active party in eUK.

MDU - 66.67% (42)
TUP - 44.66% (92)
PCP - 37.16% (97)
UKRP - 33.73% (140)

This is a massive boost for TUP. With considerably less members than the PCP, we have managed to close the gap in terms active membership. The up coming Congress elections could be very interesting.