SOS Brigade's 13 Days of Halloween!

Day 698, 14:14 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

As we near the end of October we venture not only into the realm of the SOS Brigade's event season (we hold events at the end of every month for the merriment of all), but we also venture into the holiday season most beloved by our Brigade Chief (which is me), HALLOWEEN!

What is Halloween?

Halloween is an evolved version of "All hallow's Eve" where in all hallows, or all saints as its commonly referred to, is on nov 1st.

The holiday changed from something about spirits being on earth the night before (think day of the dead) to people dressing up in costumes of ghosts and goblins to ward of evil.

The holiday is really a big mesh of a few more traditional holidays and it has been commercialized by the greeting card companies and the candy companies.

Its mainly a bunch of silly fun and I love it.

Normally what us American's do is we dress up in costumes, eat candy, and attempt to scare ourselves silly. The young ones go door to door to beg for candy also referred to as "trick or treat"-ing. We revisit folklore about monsters, and we party a ton at night. Its a blast.

So welcome to the SOS Brigades longest event! The 13 Days of Halloween!

So... what will be happening for these 13 days you ask... well just read on and I'll break it down for you...

**as with all eSOS events this event is open to anyone regardless of citizenship or residence**

What is Halloween without dressing up all goofy/scary like? However! While in RL you get to dress up once or twice... we in the SOS brigade want you to dress up 13 times! You heard me right. 13 times and in different citizen avatars! (To change your citizen avatar go to "my places" and click profile, then in the top right corner click "edit profile" and change your avatar. Follow erep rules when doing this.)

But what will I make my avatar? Good question! To help you, and to make it a bit more challenging, we have a list of themes. Your avatar should match the theme, and each day is a different theme:

10/19 - Pumpkins [4 treats:1Trick]
10/20 - Musou(Dynasty/Samurai Warriors) [7 treats: 1 Trick]
10/21 - Lolita [6 treats: 1 trick]
10/22 - Cross-play [5 treats: 1 Trick]
10/23 - Decade (20s, 50s, 70s ect) [1 Treat: 1 Trick]
10/24 - Angelic [5 Treats : 1 Trick]
10/25 - Ghosts [3 Treats : 1 Trick]
10/26 - Vampires [3 Treats : 1 Trick]
10/27 - Cats [2 Treats : 1 Trick]
10/28 - Demonic [3 Treats : 1 Trick]
10/29 - Horror
10/30 - Witches
10/31 - Orange and black

So why would you want to keep to theme and dress up everyday? Well to be honest it would be a pain to do, so we are offering you all a reward of sorts for doing so. A sort of... treat.

Or rather...

What is Halloween without a bit of Trick-or-Treating? Now we don't condone being mean on the site (IE tricking people), but we will try our best to treat you guys and keep you on your toes!

How will this work? The basic procedure is this:

1. Change your avatar to fit the "theme" this will be your costume.
2. PM Fae going "Trick or treat!"
3. Fae will donate to you 1 q1 food.

Yet there is more.

If you are "tricked" you will get NO FOOD.

That's right, no q1 treat for you. However! we will only "trick" one person a day. Furthermore, this 1 person will be entered for the costume contest held on the last day (Halloween).

The final costume we pick (we will announce the judging) will earn 1 gold.


1. You can only trick or treat ONCE a day.
2. A single player can be entered for multiple costumes in the contest, but only one "trick" will happen a day.
3. If your costume/avatar does not match the theme (This judgment up to us... feel free to explain it if you feel you need to) you do not get a trick or a treat.

Trick or treating and the costume contest both start on the 19th. The last day is Halloween!

Scary story contest
What is Halloween without being scared a little bit? So what do we want? Scary stories! Test your ability to scare via the written word and write us a story that will send chills down our spines!

The stories should involved eRepublik in some way, but otherwise go nuts!


1. Write a scary story
2. Post in your newspaper (or if you don't have a news paper have a friend or Fae post it in theirs)
3. PM Fae the link to the article


1.Entries must be PMed to Fae to be eligible.
2. Stories may be entered any time from the 19th until 11:59pm server time on the 31st.
3. All entered stories will be judged on how scary they are. The scariest story will win 2 gold.
4. Do not violate any eRep rules with your story.

Monster Mash
On the day before Halloween (the 30th) in order to wrap things up we will have a "Monster Mash" or a costume party in IRC.

The Channel is #Monstermash on Coldfront.irc

Participants should come in costume meaning their nicks should be the name of their costume.

For example: Normally my nick is "Fae", but for the Monster Mash it may be "Haruhi". ect.

You can play a part or just have fun. Food and drinks will be available. We have surprise events in store for the Mash so be sure to show up.

Event Contributers
Dareru Danoshi
Red Dragon Rising


The SOS Brigade is dedicated to monthly events and supporting the activities of its members! We have many active and well played members, and we are welcoming to both old and new. We have not only an IRC channel but a forum all our own. Our sense of community is strong and we work together to plan events. Ideas stem from all members.

Want a party that really is active and interesting in Japan? Join the SOS Brigade.