Sophia Forrester and the Tao of Fanfic

Day 1,253, 15:09 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Disclaimer: Because this newspaper has no picture budget, and because I keep losing track of time, this article too will need you to use your imagination. We do have imaginary party favors too for the interested!

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a princess who had forgotten her hat. She was pretty sure that she had left this hat somewhere else, somewhere warmer or maybe more comfortable. But that was okay, because she was in the sky. It wasn't supposed to be comfortable.

You might have thought that there was some specific reason for the hat, like it having been the last place she left her glasses. However, in reality, this was not the case. The glasses that she wore were prescription glasses and she had had the prescription filled while still in the sky. So maybe the hat was just a hat.

There was a bit of speculation about what kind of hat it was supposed to be. Some people said a witch's hat. The princess was not really very amused by those people. However, every time the princess tried to explain why she would not have worn a witch's hat, she found herself in strange and embarrassing situations. Eventually she decided on a solution: Cosplay. If she could not find her own hat, she would mail-order the hats of various characters, and try them on one by one until someone was satisfied.

The problem was, one time, she was not careful. It started a fashion trend and she wasn't even sure how to deal with that kind of attention. So eventually she decide😛 It's better not to forget your roots, but even so, it would have been even better to have remembered to pack her original hat.