Something on english...

Day 1,565, 03:50 Published in New Zealand Ireland by Friedrich Nietzsche

I would like to hear a lot of opinions about the problems in the unions and the ways in which this could be resolved.

But above all, seeing as my solution is to abolish the unions that is, MPP .. and that each country is fighting for ourselves, then we would not have to look at the rubble of various problems in alliances, the most recent issue of this kind is possible in the transition eSlovenia EDEN frankly it does not interest me too much because I am fighting for mercenary because of the organization in my alliance does nothing, or take him incompetent people.

I wanted to hear more opinions and not just the Serbs on this issue because I know about their attitude about it and would not discuss.

I would ask all foreign and domestic players to give the sub and vote and if is posible shout so that more people saw the article and so I had better insight into the current situation.

PS. That would be just opinion from 1 player!

PS. on PS. Thic artcile is done by help of gogle sorry if is there any mistake...i think there is a lot..but...never mind..😉