Something Missing

Day 727, 00:34 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

My fellow eJapanese, do you feel something missing? A gaping hole in your heart where something fun, light, happy, hopeful, should be?

That's right. Today is November 16th my fellow eJapanese, and we have been without a properly elected Empress for two (2) days now.

As a traditional holiday, Empress Day was to occur on the 13th and 14th of this month celebrating the newly elected Empress. As per tradition, no single empress is allowed to hold the throne for two months, and so far this has held true. But without the nominations, and the election, of a new Empress there stands no candidates for our Empress this month. Further we are now far past the opportunity to select, elect, and celebrate a new empress on the proper days.

This citizen would like to point out that Tradition has been considered an important aspect of eJapanese culture, and while many may contest this, I say that fun traditions like Empress Day bring us together as a community in a way that is not harmful to our spirit or communal ties.

The merriment that is brought by such events lights up the otherwise doom business only tone of our forums and our papers. It brings us joy and fun, even when times are hard, in ways that do not cost us a yen to enjoy.

Yet this important holiday was missed.

I for one, feel sadder for it.

I would like to suggest that since Empress Saber has finished her reign, and in the tradition of not duplicating empresses, that our runner up Chii take the throne as our temporary empress. It is sad that she would not be able to compete for the throne, but I feel it is far better than for us to go a month without a newly elected Empress.

I would also like to express my deepest hope that we are able to celebrate Empress Day without fail next month.

Thank you for your time