Some things to know about getting a loan

Day 739, 15:41 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

Getting a loan can be a big boon. It could allow you to do any number of things, start a company, buy some weapons in advance or purchase a house. You can get one from t’jelle to do all these things. But first here is some info about how to make a loan application that’ll be clear concise, and have a good chance of getting accepted.

Two policies we have are:
-We don’t offer loans of amounts larger than 100g to private citizens

-We don’t offer loans for durations longer than 2 months for loans under 100g

These are not hard and fast rules, and if you believe you have special case you can contact Ike Falcon (our loan officer) who then can forward it on to his supervisor if he feels it worthy of future review, or you can use the ticket system to the same result.

Some reasons to get a loan
This list isn’t all inclusive but provides some ideas as to what you may want.
-You’re upgrading your company to a new level
-You want a high quality house or another expensive item that may come along
-You wish to start a new business venture
-You’ve seen some stocks you think will be highly profitable and want to get more to maximize your profit

Some tips to creating a better application:

-As with the tickets, make sure you include a link to all the organizations and citizens we need to find the companies or organizations you mention in your description. Nothing is worse than searching and being unable to find the company you’re referring to or worse finding the wrong one.

-Imagine that you’re the person reading this loan description, and you have to judge whether or not to award it. Figure out what we might need to see or know that you haven’t put in the description.

-Choose a good time period. If you’re unsure as to whether or not you’ll need 2 months or 1 month to pay it off, go with the 2 months. This increases our confidence and allows you to stand a much better chance of paying it off in time.

-Cite something. If you’re starting a business venture, and have a good reason why you believe it will be profitable please tell us what it is in the description. For example, “New economic module is making x in high demand and I want to start a Q3 x company.”

-Do you have other sources of income? If you do than we would love to hear about it. This not only increases our confidence in you and your chances of getting the loan but we may even change the interest rate to accommodate a better chance of payment.

-Do you have an existing company? If so, tell us here and it can help encourage us to trust you.

-Look at your description box before you hit apply. And ask yourself these questions about it:
Is it clear?
Does it include all of the things I read about in that article?
Can I look at this from someone else’s eyes and say yes?
-If you can say yes to those 3 questions that we’d love to see you loan application

We’re currently debating getting someone to provide consulting on business ventures on a per request basis so go ahead and inquire into that if you want. And most of all, we’re providing loans to help YOU, the customer get a head start on a business, a house or anything you’re trying to do financially so go ahead and apply when you’ve read the above.

Here at the bank we have a strict policy

This is written here because it is a general help article . For some things or items related to hiring or positions you can check out Anaros's newspaper. I update it whenever I have something for it.