Some ideas about the Irish Community and the new players (By Thanasis Klaras)

Day 1,289, 04:12 Published in Ireland Greece by Thanasis Klaras

Dear friends,

Recently, I joined the Irish community of erepublik. I have to say that I am grateful that you accepted my citizenship application and provided me a new e-home.

For now on, I will work with full dedication in order to help you built a strong and wealthy community. This is the purpose of this article anyway.

After 1.5 year in this game I now know that a strong community means many and wealthy new players. Players who are helped to understand quickly the game mechanics. Players who are being given supplies, information and tips for quick growth.

Because of all these, I have some proposals to the government and the community. I strongly believe that the sector of the new players is not only a government’s duty, but a duty of the whole community.

So, let’s begin:

1. New Players help desk using irc chat.

I believe that we have to found an irc channel where new players could find help and information about the game. Some proposed names are: #IrishHelp, #IrishHelpDesk, #IrishFAQ and so on. I do not have to mention that in this channel should always logged in, high level players who can answer and provide information and supplies when needed.

2. Baby Boom

We have to try hard to bring new Irish players. We have to talk to our friends, family, colleagues and classmates. Explain them what is going on here and our efforts to build a strong community. And obviously invite them!

Secondly, we have to make a small research and create a list with popular Irish sites and blogs. After that we have to do a very simple thing: Spam them! We have to write a small paragraph where we explain some things about the game and spam it in these sites.

3. Ministry of new players

We have to make the MoP stronger. We should create some state companies, firstly: food raw and food comp. We have to produce a good stock of foods and give them to any new player needs them. Let’s say 50 wellness per day for anyone who needs it. For now. 😉

MoP is one of the most important ministries because it can provide supplies and information IN GAME to any player needs them.

Also, MoP could run some campaigns. For example, “The training week”! For one week any player who wants and is under 18 level, would take 0.19 g per day to train using boost. Obviously there are many different ideas that could take place.

4. Mentors

In e-Greece we had this program running for many months. The general idea is that an experienced player finds and guides new players who have just joined. We could create a team of let’s say 20 people who check the “online now citizens” and from there they see which players joined the last few days or today. After that our mentors, send them a pm and inform them that they are sending in order to help the new player.

As you see I didn’t analyze these ideas, but I have just gave you the basic idea. If you find anything of these interesting, we could discuss the way to make them happen.

I believe also that an Irish community forum should be created. There we could discuss and decide how to organize the community. Also this could be a place that congressmen could discuss. A congress let’s say! It is obvious though, before we create the forum we should decide the way that it works.

All these matters that I have already mention considering the new players could be discussed in this forum, at the section of the new players! 🙂

I hope that after that we could start discus these matters and also we could star thinking of ideas to create a strong community with a lot of players. I am waiting with concern your comments!

PS: I am sorry that my English are not fluent, but this in not my native language. I’ll do my best to improve my English so hopefully some day you could understand what I try to say without thinking “Now wtf this idiot is trying to say?!?!😛 !