Some Clarification.

Day 647, 22:27 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

I resigned as party president a few days ago

My Resignation

Many People have been asking me why i quit.

I will just clarify a few things...

1) MasterofIgnorance is in no way responsible for my quitting the PP.

2) I am not leaving eRep.

3) I don't dislike David.. he is the best man eIndia has ever had.. or probably ever will.

4) I AM not the best person for IU... Most of the work for congress and IU was done by maverick10. David, Shail, Brood, Ugo are all great eIndians and all way better than me. So please stop saying I am the best, I know its not true.. You should know it too. If You don't know it.. please look at the records. plz I don't like buttering.

Now why I quit?
Its because I felt My opinions went against the opinions of India United...
Everything I had to say, I said it in the newspaper and the forums

I don't want to be the Party President wen I don't believe in its policy itself.

and again, the disagreement was slight, but enough for me to jeopardize the party.

and I had a small argument with my best friend in erep and thats how I decided, I will quit politics, cause I dont want to loose any frnds, though I may have already lost one.

So please, don't assume or don't misunderstand.
