Some Cabinet Posts and Why [Election Article]

Day 1,170, 13:13 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Greetings my fellow Singaporeans,

I, as you know am logan Dunleavy and am a presidential candidate here in our grand Republic. Today I would like to announce some of my cabinet positions and why I picked who I did.

I'd like to start off today with.

Ministry of Defense:
For this position I have selected Ice_Freeze as my minister. Ice is hard working and active, he also sees eye to eye with me on my policy of reform in the military. With Ice in charge of our military you can be assured that we will have a functional and organized military that will work well and efficiently.

Now for the Ministry of Defense I have also decided on selecting a vice-minister. Timur1988, Timur has a wealth of experience and know-how to bring to the table when it comes to leading an army. He has served as the MoD in Latvia and commanded an army of over 400 troops. When I saw this I could not turn it down. I know he will be great as V-MoD and will serve Singapore well if I'm elected.
I of course do plan on taking a heavy hand in the oversight of my Ministry of Defense and seeing to it that the goals I have set out for not just the Ministry of Defense but all Ministries are met. We will get Singapore going again and now that she has re-learned to walk we together can make her run. So please Singapore, on election day, stand by me and we, together, will bing about an era of greatness for our Republic.