Socialist Freedom Party, you pressed the button.

Day 696, 19:02 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

It seems I was chosen to become the next Socialist Freedom Party President.
This is an honor which I will treasure greatly.
To follow in the footsteps of the former PPs such as Osmany Ramon, Mark Valshannar, and smily132.

Each of the promises I made during my campaign still hold true.
Our three congressional candidates have been chosen and actually already have platforms out.
The wise, Phoenix Quinn

The Unique, Alex Lorre

And The Hippie, Jude Connors.

Secondly, the 100 member count is turning out easier than expected. We got up to 89 members so far, so 11 in a month is not a difficult goal whatsoever. Predicting a Win there.

Last, the expansions on the Recruitment, Party Paper, and the Young socialists divisions are going smoothly. A new director of the Public relations (Party Paper) Branch is going to be announced soon, and plans have been put in place for mass expansion of the recruitment and YS divisions. All we need now are dedicated party members to lend a hand with helping these expansions. Expansions need manpower, so if anyone's interested in helping out a bit, send me a message and I will set you up.

Also, anyone else think it's funny that out of the top ten parties, the only person who got 100% of the vote was the communist?