So you want political power?

Day 190, 20:49 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

(ignore video, just the music)

Greetings Swedish Citizens,

I am the President of Denmark. Even when my country is conquered I still wield political power. I gained the Presidency of Denmark after having been in the country for 3 weeks. I have some insight on how to gain political power. It requires a little intelligence on your part. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking:

"But Grev Per, I joined the biggest party in Sweden, what more could you ask?"

To use your brain, idiot.

To get marginal political power in Sweden you need to play it smart. There is no way you will become president in 3 weeks here. First you need to be smart about using your numbers. Look at you, you're 1 person. What were you thinking? You were probably thinking "oh hey, this party is huge, if I want power I have to join it."

Well no shit, you thought that and so did 800 other uses. What exactly did it get you? Nothing. Man think a little bit.

Look around on the political landscape. There are places where 1 person can make a difference. You could join one of the other top 5 parties. The MSAP or the DNS party for example. However in the MSAP you would still be only 200 people, and despite having enough people for 5 people in every city, they can still barely manage to get 1 mayor. However if you were smart you might think about seeing where they have candidates and where they don't. And join that party or move there. Any of the top 5 parties have this problem.

However many of the top 5 parties are silently struggling through what all of Sweden is. The consequence of making intense membership campaigns and then not being able to keep 2/3rds of those who joined. They are going down in membership, and have been for 2 weeks. Now this is good and bad for you. If you are still active you might gain slightly more relevance as an individual by joining one of the shrinking ones. You might be able to help turn it around. Or you might join a sinking ship.

The two fastest growing parties are Purjoløk Ops and my own party, Danish/German Independence Now Party. Both are pretty much polar opposites, and neither might be suitable for your own concerns. Purjoløk Ops in my opinion comes off as rather immature, however if all you want is war, then it's probably the right party for you to support. On the other hand what's the chances of you wanting a free Germany or a free Denmark? The advantage of joining either of us I suppose is the chance that you might someday get a priviledged part in either Germany or Denmark. Both areas are relatively unpopulated compared to Sweden so the level of activity you need to put out would be less. There is also the Ubuntu Party that stands for independence for the occupied nations but in a way that is probably more palatable for a Swede.

What it comes down for you is to decide quite simply, where will you get the most results for the least activity? It won't be in FBS. It probably won't be in the MSAP. You need to go further down and take a gamble, you need to hope that others will join you. Surely this article is convincing enough.

In essence, the maximum way to exploit the parliamentary system here is to ensure that no party has absolute majority (that no party has 50% of the vote). To do that, you either got to join another party or vote for another party.