So Much to Do, So Little Time

Day 871, 08:52 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Hey there everyone,

So Woxan pretty much kicks ass? Am I right or am I right? I mean look at this article.

I missed a lot of stuff while I was gone, but it is nice to know that some things stay the same. For example, most everyone I know in the game is still around, though I notice some absences (Jude I miss you) That being said, most everyone I know here alternates between loving and hating the game, and we are all waiting for v2 to arrive.

Something I have been thinking about is why do we play this game? Some of us undoubtedly simply have nothing better to do, for others this is just a link in a long chain of online games that consume their lives. While the majority of us are probably men....and younger men at that, everyone race, sex and orientation is represented in the population of eRepublik.

I play as an escape. I am a Political Science major in school and spend most of my day hopping back and forth between classes and meetings and time with my friends and my wonderful girlfriend. I always have lots of work to do. But here, eRepublik is relaxation for me. Even with all the stupid, the trolls and the bugs and the seemingly idiotic actions of the admins (by the way if more people could gift me, I am still trying to get my wellness up), even with all of that this is a great tool for me to relax and do something which I enjoy....politics.

Some would tell me that this is not representative of real politics, I would disagree with those people. Even being in my lower 20's I have worked on enough RL campaigns, written enough RL articles and spoken to enough RL politicians to know that eRep actually does a pretty spot on job.

That is my random musing for the day. I would encourage all of you to think about sharing your eRep story.

Also, I am looking for a new political adventure.....PM me with ideas.

Thanks and God Bless,

Daniel Dodge