So America...

Day 1,002, 22:36 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

First some mood music

I see that you have decided to invade the mighty motherland. I can tell you that this is the last mistake you will make you imperialists! The mighty red army will defend the motherland until the last man has fallen.

After you childish and weak attack is crushed our mighty armies will push you all the way back to Washington as we have done in the past. There is nothing you can do to stop the Russian bear that you have awakened.

The United States of fail will fail once more. You have attacked the glorious motherland before and you fail every time, this time will be no different. Your advances will be crushed and your lands will be invaded. The mighty mother Russia will once again be victorious

There is nothing you can do silly imperialists!

The Red Army in action, you can never beat us!

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