So ...

Day 1,071, 08:48 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

I go away for a week (my computer died IRL 😒) ... and all of a sudden we have a country again?

I see how it is 😉

Anyways ... good work folks.

If folks want me to be involved, you know where to find me.

If not ... I'll be doing other Erepublik work in the background anyway 😉

Ill be online to help folks if they arent sure if what they are about to post breaks Erep rules or not, at the very least

Anyways ... its good to finally be able to say ...


(and thanks to all our ATO friends - we couldn't have done it without you!)


p.s. I like my shiny new badge, too, Admin.
I guess there's no point denying it anymore, huh? 😃