Slovenian BabyBoom Part.2 (SRB/ENG)

Day 1,720, 23:55 Published in New Zealand Ireland by Friedrich Nietzsche

_[English Version is below!] _

- Srpska Verzija -

Drugari, bili ste odlični u prošlom prikupljanju, prikupljeno je ukupno:

Valuta - 6285.61 cc + 2500 cc direktno = Total 8785.61 cc
Goldi - 5g + 2 direktno = Total 7 golda

Food :
Ukupno za 61220 wellnesa 🙂

Ukupno za 1735 Hitova 🙂

A sada tekst 🙂

Do danas, za poslednja 4 dana od kad je počela reklama na internet portalu u Sloveniji, Slovenija je ukupno dobila oko 1700 novih igrača, sada im najviše treba pomoći da svi igrači ostanu u igri!

Svaku donaciju ću prosleđivati novo izabranom CP-u eSlovenije, igraču MatrixPegaz koji od danas počinje sa svojim radom 🙂

Podelu Part 1 možete videti ovde

Bez daljeg odlaganja, pozivam sve ljude dobre duše da pomognu našim starim prijateljima da održe BabyBoom, neka pošalju bilo šta, šta god da imaju, na gomili je to ozbiljnija cifra 😉

Svako će izaći na zid donacija, a ja ću uraditi Screen Shot svake novčane donacije koju budem prosledio.
Ako šaljete direktno, napišite u komentaru šta ste poslali da znamo šta smo prikupili zbog evidencije 🙂

Bez daljeg odlaganja odlaganja otvaram ovo prikupljanje!

Ja ću početi prvi i daću 1000 cc.

English Version:

Firstly I need to apologize for the Part 1 because didn't have English Version, but now I'll fix it.

Well eSlovenia had BabyBoom in last 4 days, and it keep rising at least 300 new citizens every day, and until today they got 1700 new citizens, what is a lot for eSlovenia. Now our job need to be to save their BB, and help them as much as we can, to donate anything, when everyone donate a little bit, at the end we will gather a lot!
Everything what we collect I'll donate to newly elected Country President of eSlovenia MatrixPegaz. It's very important to show them our friendship now, and to help them to keep their babies in game, because we all know how hard economic situation in eWorld is, especially for them, later when they grow up little, they can survive on their own, but now our help is needed!

Everyone will be added on the wall of donators, and I'll Screen Shot every money donation what I send.

If you donate directly to their CP, please write in the comment what you sent, to track record of everything.

So without farther delaying this, I'm opening this!

I'll start first with 1000 NZD.
Vukasin Zivkovic has transfered 100 NZD to your account.
EternalLightStream has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage. Q7 wep
Trento96 has transfered 1000 NZD to your account.

You have successfully donated 2100 NZD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
Successfully transferred 50 item(s) to MatrixPegaz.

Hvala svima
Thank you all
