Sleeping tiger.

Day 819, 01:44 Published in China China by eRussian Embassy in eChina

Here comes another dirty biased article. But before I unleash the massive shameless avalanche of Phoenix propaganda without a sincere word of truth as usual (/sarcasm off) I want to congratulate you with the New Year (/slowpoke on). Though we are foes in erep at the moment, I wish every chinese all around the world the best in this year of the Tiger. Let your life be happy and brightful, and let it be free of disappointments stronger than those that come from this silly browser game we all play 🙂.

Now, after the final battle of Liaoning is over we can say that eRussia has reached its goals in the campaign. Russia and China aren't neighbour countries anymore and the problem of an open front in Asia is solved for now. China (or Japan, or USA) still may try to abuse the friendship of a tiny South Korea to block our north korean provinces, but it would be an all different story. Phoenix also managed to greatly benefit from this campaign, so we can claim our mission successful. And we must confess that was a tough fight.

Scanning your media, I have noticed that many of you blame your President and Minister of Defense for the sad outcome of the last week. Now, once the active war phase is over, I must admit you are not fair. Both gentlemen did a good job. And absolutely no sarcasm here. They have been ruling the country through bitter times and they did their best in this situation. Both retreat from Tibet and conquering it back were nicely timed and well performed. eChina was in a disadvantage position, but almost managed to turn the tide of the things to its benefit. This war wasn't a routine for Phoenix, it was a complicated operation and your leaders were not doing our job easier. Russian General staff has been shitting bricks not once during this week because of your actions. The damage of the Chinese army surprised our analitics. The concentrated damage of your troops taken alone was comparable to the damage of entire eRussian Army when its not berserking. That's impressive for a country with almost 4 times less population.

We salute SOL, who didn't leave its member in hard times. eChina has received firm support from all its asian friends. Tiny Philippines with few hundreds people of population and no MPPs because of a training war were brave enough to halt our advance and even were ready to declare war upon us to block our attacks. Other SOL (or ex-SOL) countries also served their duty with blood and fire on the battlefields. We've learned a lesson. No matter what advantage we do have, SOL has nuts and will fight for its land.

eAsia is a sleeping tiger. It has a great potential source for babybooms. A lot of western people are also fond of asian culture and/or history and move to asian ecountries. My dream is an Asian alliance as the third pole in EDEN-Phoenix struggle. As for now, your alliance really colours up the quite boring butting of the two bulls. That's not a secret, that Phoenix and EDEN are something like twin brothers. And unlike the common stereotype, both twins are "evil" in terms of plain moral. The ideology of both alliances can be simplified into "strong and poor can't live along with rich and weak". I don't want to say there is something bad about this ideology. That's the way this game is designed to be played. The minute we all decide that every ecountry should and must exist within the borders of its real life prototype, we can just all log out, the eRepublik is over. So as I said several times in previous articles, the matters of irl moral are not appliable here. If for some reason you still think EDEN's righteousness is something more than sweet talks, here is a fresh brandnew example. It's damn ironic that it was EDEN's brutal attack on neutral helpless Austria which did let Phoenix swap the regions in China at last. If not the poor timing of this assault by EDEN, letting us activate the MPPs in a required way, Phoenix would've been forced to swap the provinces with the help of our friends from Pakistan or North Korea, which would've been barely possible to perform.

There is just one lethal weapon in eRepublik. It is the apathy. Everything else only makes you stronger. New economic module is on its way, and no one can yet predict what the balance of powers will look like when it arrives. But you already have the most important permanent resource in eRepublik already - the mutual support. When it is always an easy way to just pick a side and hide behind EDEN's or Phoenix's MPPs you are walking your noble independent way as a regional alliance, the alliance of friends, partners, neighbours. Don't screw it up! We are proud to have such worthy foes.

You can still address all your questions to me via PM both to this org and to me personally or via the forum

the Ambassador of eRussia
in eChina and eJapan