Skyfire missions [updated]

Day 6,061, 11:06 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus

Hello there,

another summer, another f*cking ugly skin (after Blaze Walker in summer 2023). Anyways, I finished 3 missions out of 10 and here are the numbers:

Mission 1/10: 2048 energy required, rewards - 16 ice creams and 5 damage accelerators (cannot remember whether it is 3x of 5x)
Mission 2/10: 6144 energy required, rewards - 32 ice creams and 1 blueprint
Mission 3/10: 14436 energy required, rewards - 64 ice creams and 1 vehicle discharge document
Mission 4/10: 30720 energy required, rewards - 128 ice creams and 5 ground damage boosters (150 % )
Mission 5/10: 63488 energy required, rewards - 256 ice creams and 10 air damage boosters.
Mission 6/10: 129024 energy required, rewards - 512 ice creams and 1 blueprint.
Mission 7/10: 260096 energy required, rewards - 1024 ice creams and 10 air damage boosters.
Mission 8/10: 522240 energy required, rewards - 2048 ice creams and 10 ground damage boosters.
Mission 9/10: 1046528 energy required, rewards - 4096 ice creams and 1 blue print.
Mission 9/10: 2095104 energy required, rewards - 8192 ice creams and 1 blue print.

Seems that my predictions (below, written yesterday after Mission 3/10 were correct. Selfcongratulations!

And a bit of speculation. Ice creams rewards seems to be doubling. Energy requirements are growing in the 1, 3, 7, 15 sequence. The next growth factors should thus be 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047. I predict the following:

Mission 5/10: 63488 energy and 256 ice creams
Mission 6/10: 129024 energy and 512 ice creams
Mission 7/10: 260096 energy and 1024 ice creams
Mission 8/10: 522240 energy and 2048 ice creams
Mission 9/10: 1046528 energy and 4096 ice creams
Mission 10/10: 2095104 energy and 8192 ice creams